Believe for your Breakthrough ♥

In positioning ourselves to receive a breakthrough from the Lord, we must not be double-minded. Do not listen to the voice of the enemy that seeks to plant lies that will distract and detour one from receiving. Be ever-mindful of your thoughts and words, let them only come from the throne room of Heaven and pass through your spirit. God watches over His Word to perform it; know His Word and speak it! Out of your heart, your mouth will speak. Therefore be filled with His Word that it may pour out of you…

A silent prayer is subject to distracting thoughts, so we must speak OUT LOUD that it would activate Faith; that it would rule over doubt. Be consistent, be focused, be patient, be single-minded, determined to walk through to the other side with God.

Every breakthrough is a direct result of seeds planted given in Faith and the belief that there is a return for our faithfulness in Christ. Be sure to give a significant seed, the kind that cost you… seeds of love, trust, hope, kindness, gentleness, compassion, understanding, and charity…

Once we truly have done this we can rest in the assurance that God’s Word will not return void. Study it, meditate on it until it becomes alive in you. Do not neglect it. Now this produces genuine and powerful Faith —Now, our foundation is solidly set on Jesus— He is the author and finisher of our Faith and we will not be denied. ~.~


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