Tag Archives: ChristianblogsNetwork

…and so we Pray

There is nothing more important or quite so precious as prayer. All that we do and all that we strive to become depends upon the miraculous gift of prayer. Even our worship and praising is only a form of prayer to the One we love. Our prayer is indeed a gift used by the Holy Spirit himself, whom Christ sent afterward for our comfort and instruction in all things… without prayer, we find ourselves defenseless, unable to prevent the inevitable evils of this world from hurdling full force into our lives. We cling to prayer so that our world stays held together by our Lord Jesus –It is through constant prayer that we invite our God to be a part of our lives, and it is in prayer that we shut out the enemy with all of his attacks in order to prevent those demons from accomplishing their purposes–their purposes being nothing but our disbelief and doubt, that we would not know the wonderful reality of the power of Jesus, that we would not call upon Him, that we would be orphans in a lost and dying world with no access to our Heavenly Father…

But, Christ’s gift of prayer has opened up to us all that we need to fight the good fight of Faith. It is not a burden when we truly understand its power. We are not weighed down with obligation to it, if it is that we have cast off the weights of sin by repentance. Enter into prayer by the shed blood that washes us clean and see prayer begin to pour out of you like a rushing river. If we hold to forgiveness in every circumstance, then we are always forgiven… so that we may ask whatsoever we will and it will be done of our Father. ♥


Christianity is all about dying to ourselves. Some see this as hideous, onerous, and weak. “Why give up your desires, wants, and longings for something someone else mandates?” they wonder. “That sounds like slavery!” they charge. However, they fail to realize that surrendering our wills to Christ is like a bird surrendering to air currents or a fish to the water. When we surrender to the Lord, he gives us the power to be what we were made to be — enabled to be useful in ways that are eternal, empowered to have life not limited by mortal boundaries, and blessed by communion with the Creator as our Father. What is lost in this surrender to Christ living in us? Only our selfishness and our self-damage caused by rebellion.

Surrender yourself and Soar…
~.~ …mount up with wings as eagles.

Let Us… ♥

  • Let Us have a heart that has been prepared when entering into our prayer closet; “It is better to have a sincere heart lain before Him with no words, then to come with words when there is no heart.” -John Bunyan img_3866

Remember that it is God who does the drawing. We are sensitive to His call. We constantly listen for His promptings. We wait for the Lord and He gives us our prayers… Let Us be sure that our focus is for Him, and not a thing. Let Us position ourselves under the Blood of the Lamb at the Mercy Seat. Let Us condition our heart with humility and expectation; the humble condition of our heart is imperative.

It will be through His merciful Spirit that we are heard.

We are God’s Temple; we are His house. And, it is that He has said, “My house will be called a house of prayer.” He has asked us through Isaiah, “where is the house that you built me; where is the place of my rest?” Let Us abide in Christ so that He is welcome to dwell with us. He will surely hear us then, and will be well pleased.

We have an example of His Temple [which we are]… –of the Outer Court, where prayer begins…though we must journey into the Inner Court, and ultimately, the Holy of Holies. As the deer pants for the water, Let Us search and come boldly with mouths hungry for His Word. Let Us prepare the soul, with all of its hungers and desires, to be subject to our spirit, for our spirit must commune with God’s. —Now we see the Inner Holy Place –Now our body & soul is surrendered & our spirit alone may enter… The Holy of Holies opens up and deep calls unto deep –communion begins. This is where strength is given. This is where we are renewed. – We must get there! We must wholly enter in! Let Us…— ♥ ~.~


The earth was formless and empty…and God said, ‘Let there be light’ Genesis 1:2-3, NIV.

Are you believing God for something today that seems impossible? We serve a great and mighty God, and He can create something out of nothing! He can make a way where there seems to be no way! He can create whatever is needed in your life.

Genesis tells us that in the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. But before He spoke the world into existence, it was formless and empty. If God can make the world out of nothing, He can take the empty places in your life and create something beautiful, too! He can speak light into your darkest hour. He can take your formless dreams and give them shape. He can resurrect your dormant gifts and talents! He can make your crooked places straight!

Remember, you are created in the image of Almighty God. There’s power in your words and power when you’re in agreement with Him. Only say what God says about your situation. Speak life to your broken dreams today. Stay in an attitude of faith and expectancy, and as you do, God will take you places that you’ve never dreamed. He’ll make something beautiful out of every broken place in your life!

SPEAK, God is listening – SPEAK, the Angels are hearkening – SPEAK, all of creation awaits…


“For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).

God’s love goes way beyond any human love you have ever experienced! People may come and go from your life, but God is always with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Human love may be conditional, but God’s love is supernatural; it’s unconditional, and it knows no limits. There’s nothing you can do to earn His love and nothing you can do to stop His love.

The scripture tells us that His love is patient and kind, His love believes the best in you. His love redeems and restores you. No matter what you’ve been told or what you may think about yourself today, you are His most prized possession. There’s nothing that can separate you from His love! Remember, faith is activated by love. As you allow Him to flood you with His love, your faith will be ignited, and you’ll be empowered to live the abundant life He has for you!

Believe for your Breakthrough ♥

In positioning ourselves to receive a breakthrough from the Lord, we must not be double-minded. Do not listen to the voice of the enemy that seeks to plant lies that will distract and detour one from receiving. Be ever-mindful of your thoughts and words, let them only come from the throne room of Heaven and pass through your spirit. God watches over His Word to perform it; know His Word and speak it! Out of your heart, your mouth will speak. Therefore be filled with His Word that it may pour out of you…

A silent prayer is subject to distracting thoughts, so we must speak OUT LOUD that it would activate Faith; that it would rule over doubt. Be consistent, be focused, be patient, be single-minded, determined to walk through to the other side with God.

Every breakthrough is a direct result of seeds planted given in Faith and the belief that there is a return for our faithfulness in Christ. Be sure to give a significant seed, the kind that cost you… seeds of love, trust, hope, kindness, gentleness, compassion, understanding, and charity…

Once we truly have done this we can rest in the assurance that God’s Word will not return void. Study it, meditate on it until it becomes alive in you. Do not neglect it. Now this produces genuine and powerful Faith —Now, our foundation is solidly set on Jesus— He is the author and finisher of our Faith and we will not be denied. ~.~



The Bible tells us that when you pray, have faith, and you will receive it. Faith moves mountains. Faith pleases God. Faith is what opens doors. What is faith? It’s believing in God and His goodness. It’s knowing that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Faith is believing that the promises of God are true. It’s obeying His Word. It’s what causes you to act.

Where does faith come from? Scripture tells us that everyone is given a measure of faith; that faith grows by hearing the Word of God. Simply put, the more you hear the Word of God, the more real it becomes in your life and the easier it is to believe His promises.

It doesn’t matter how much faith you have today, begin growing your faith by choosing to obey God’s Word. As you hear and obey the Word, your faith will strengthen, and you will receive what you’ve been believing for in Jesus’ name!

Fight the good Fight of Faith… Labor to enter into His rest…

My greatest experiences of Faith have manifested in moments where no other solution was within reach; when desperate and unforeseen circumstances force one into situations that can no longer be controlled or manipulated; life is happening to you, and you have become a mere spectator unable to participate. This is when you will hear a still small voice rise up from your center and speak in order to show you the way. With it, comes a compulsion. Pay attention. This is when you learn to trust that compelling call because there is no better choice.

….later in life, as I would find myself feeling lost, not necessarily at a point of desperation yet, but with a sense of darkness and silence as to which way to turn that was sure to send me there… It was in these moments that I would recall those past times in my walk of Faith; those experiences of blind steps taken on Faith by a prompting. My reflection and meditation caused me to recall that still small voice that had rescued me. I now listen quite intently for that same leading of a still small voice within; I wait for that same compulsion…

At those times, with each one, the certainty that my Faith in an unfailing God would not disappoint me strengthened. The Lord began to show the evidence of His real and present provision with every step of Faith I took; for it has always been a Faith set upon a Rock, based on the foundation of Jesus Christ my Lord that He himself taught when I was in desperate need. So that now, I rest.

I no longer stay in those places of darkness and silence. By the Grace of God and with His Spirit, I have fought through to the other side. I continue to fight the good fight. It is a life long journey. And, with every twist and turn of desperation that tries to attach itself, my Faith only grows stronger. Until now… now my labor has caused me to enter into the Throne Room of Grace, where I Worship & Rest in Him. ♥

Please pray for me that the Lord will give wisdom and guidance… 

Your ways are higher than our ways
And the plans that You have laid
Are good and true
If You call us to the fire
You will not withdraw Your hand
We’ll gaze into the flames and look for You

If You say go, we will go
If You say wait, we will wait
If You say step out on the water
And they say it can’t be done
We’ll fix our eyes on You and we will come

If You Say Go (by ladilamborn)

His Love ♥

How do I? How can I? I need to know…

All of my life, I’ve searched for You, Lord. My heart’s desire has been to know You. My constant striving to please You, always hoping that my ‘doing’ might cause You to take notice. I supposed that You might move on my behalf; that you would possibly extend your hand of favor… –and favor has come, blessings and favor and constant provision. But, now I see that it was not because of my efforts, but because of Your Love. It has never come because of my selfish endeavors. But, when circumstance and struggle brought me to complete surrender, my selfishness ended and Your Mercy overflowed…
 It was not for Your sake that spiritual laws have been set. I’ve finally learned that it was for my own sake that there was a longing placed inside of me to know You — and my eyes were set upon a book — a book that is summed up in one word — Love. You are Love. It is only inside of complete and unconditional Love that we find our answers. And, the benefit of our search is not for You, but for each of us. In and through Love, we find pure Praise and true Worship flows. It is only out of the purest Praise and Worship that we begin to see Truth.

Forever mankind has grappled with the question, “Why?” Now I see that all of life’s answers can be found, not in the question “why?” but, in the search for “how?” 
How can I see You? 
How can I find You? 
How do I seek You?
How can I know You?

In this question, eternity begins to open up to us, and it becomes more real than anything in this temporary life… —-and our answers are hidden inside of our Worship. They come through our complete surrender. This is where our carnal mind quiets in the background and our natural state begins to transform; our perceptions begin to change and our spirit rises up to overtake and outperform the flesh—- Only then does the door into Your realm crack open. And, it pours out such a flood so magnificent we cannot help but to be overtaken by Your Love, Peace, Joy, Laughter, Praise, Healing, Wisdom, and Glory!!! …and it is intoxicating … and I am addicted. I am overwhelmed and undone by Your electrifying touch, Your pure Presence. I am run through by Your profound Peace, and now I see You. I have found You in my Worship. I have learned how to seek and know You, and I hear Your voice in the song.
