Tag Archives: Faith

12 Bible Verses about Trusting God’s Timing — Heather C. King – Room to Breathe

Psalm 31:15 ESV My times are in your hand; rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors! Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:11 ESV He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into […]

via 12 Bible Verses about Trusting God’s Timing — Heather C. King – Room to Breathe

Covenant Calls

“For me, church is a place to draw closer to God and His people; to come in out of the chaos of the world; a place where I can be refreshed… a fresh filling of His Love, of His Peace. Church is a place where you should sense the movement of TheHolySpirit flowing and be able to step into that river; where you know God’s working something right there in that exact moment. He’s met you there because He’s welcome there. That’s where I want to be- I want to be in a place where the Love of Christ is so tangible, it forces out all fear from my life and frees me to soar into the things of the Spirit. And, I need that again and again; because as I step back out into the world there’s no doubt I will be bombarded with cares and troubles of unnatural and unrelenting attacks from the enemy. He’s seeking whom he may devour, and I am no exception. God has told us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in Christ to the pulling down of strongholds; and there are indeed strongholds wanting to attach themselves at every bend in the road, with every turn of our lives. So six days seem too long for me to wait until I can once again wade in that river where I’m reminded of the power we have in the name of Jesus, and the cleansing by the washing of His Word being spoken over me. I long for that corporate gathering of like-minded believers willing to encourage one another, if only by their mere presence that strengthens my faith as I’m able to witness their passionate worship. Indeed, iron sharpens iron. Our spirits identify with one another and the HolySpirit that lives inside each of us, and we are satisfied.”

We are reminded:
Perfect Love casts out Fear! —
Be anxious for NOTHING! —
Step out on the Water!! —
It’s NOT about us, It’s about Jesus! —

“Wherever my feet wander or my eyes gaze, I’m searching for You, my God. I long to worship You. My heart yearns to know You, Lord. My soul aches to be with You. I will seek You with all my heart and open my mouth to praise you in the sanctuary!! 🙌🎶…. This, and even more, is what church is to me.” ~.~ 💕✨

Psalm37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
Lamentation 3:35 “God is good to those who crave Him”
Job 32:18 “For I am filled with words and the spirit within compels me”
Job 33:14 “For God does speak; now this way, now another, though man does not perceive it… -yet He speaks-“


When healing comes…


An insatiable sickness was demanding an accounting of my faith; my delays had only brought me to death’s door. Now, of necessity, I forced an answer to the critical question echoing throughout my life. “Was Jesus Christ the son of God come to save humanity?” Out loud, with tear-filled eyes, I whispered the words, “Yes, I believe.”
True sincerity would require a wholly committed embrace of His deity; belief in His written Word would be my proof…

I now know that it was not my own faith, but His measure given to me by Grace, that caused me to believe in the son of God and His sacrifice. Finally translated from darkness, a broken ego and humble heart began to search the scriptures. It was by the teaching of His Holy Spirit that my spirit began to be opened to His supernatural power which had always been drawing me … I learned to chase after His promises.

With time, through faith-filled seeking and a habit of meditation and praise I had developed in my prayer closet, I became familiar with the transforming presence of a God who loves us with an everlasting and supernatural love. Through sincere surrender in a safe environment wholly focused on Jesus, my spirit awoke, becoming aware of His touch; so weighty and precious is His tangible presence. Such encounters opened up the way for sovereign guidance that lead me toward like-minded believers. Within the fellowship of spirit-filled believers is where I learned of God’s faithfulness. I learned that Jesus Christ will always meets us at an open door of praise and worship. He meets us and then invites us gently into an overflowing charismatic experience. He longs to make Himself known. As with any desirable relationship, one becomes drawn to the meeting place. Its journey and resulted surroundings become etched into the subconscious allowing for the next interaction to become more easily acquired. I am able to arrive at this secret place almost immediately now. I’m sensitive to its call, I recognize the atmosphere, the sense when the veil has been lifted. I know now that the door to this glorious realm can be accessed from any place or moment …. My experience through my private encounters with the Holy Spirit opens me to receiving ever increasing measures of the Father’s love. He fills me up and pours out His purposes for my life. Through complete surrender in unabashed worship, I have found an experiential ministry from my Savior Jesus Christ who grants total healing. It is in this way as I stay in constant pursuit, determined to keep Him near, that I am sustained.

This type of walk with my Lord and King causes me to easily recognize His still small voice within. I’m shown Christ; in people and places, in conversation and song. Even within a glance, He is effortlessly known. It is by this familiarity and constant practice that whenever Holy Spirit has retreated into silence, this becomes immediately apparent. I feel His absence and my focus and resolve weakens; whether in dark circumstances or simply small moments of rejection, I fail to show love and I feel His grieving. My heart aches and sheds tears too easily these days when my immediate responses lack true unconditional love. Yet, no matter my failure in these circumstances, His mercy remains. His power unmatched; His Love is released and mercy triumphs. We need only stay filled by His love for forgiveness to reign. I’ve learned that His Word does not return void and His will is always done at the mention of His name.

His name is Jesus. He is Christ, my Lord; my all-powerful Savior.  All I purpose to know is my God. All I wish to seek is His presence. Ten thousand prayers and a lifetime’s pursuit has revealed a portal into His throne room of Grace where I’m readily ushered in, where my ability to know Him intimately intensifies…

It’s been 22 years now since I found my my healing through worship. My gratitude and love toward Him is unending and ever-increasing. The memory of His warm healing wind has not faded. I long to step into the rushing waves of His glorious kisses, again and again. My sustained health continually reminds me of just how real and living is our Savior. He cares for us with an unconditional, immeasurable, undying Love. ❤ ~.~

On my journey…

I can remember having conversations about God when I was first learning who our Father is. .. initially contemplating what was real and what might only be imagination. I’d grab hold of any willing participant and start to ramble on of opinions and experiences, all while delving deeper into the possibilities of some future place and time when these speculations might be revealed… There was always a memorable and noticeably tangible atmosphere of peace that would fill the room whenever I began to speak of these spiritual topics. Topics of the time of His return, of an eternity with Him, of His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Any present aggravations or persistent nuisances would immediately shrink into a distant background, while visions of my possible future with Christ took precedence as my heart’s only focus.

Those conversations sparked a passion in me to know and understand God, if that were possible. Through the years, they revealed a knowledge of His love and peace, and taught me to wait patiently for His will, as I learned I must rely upon it. Experience would show me that His way is always better, and blessings will come (at times subtly hidden within a moment, while on other occasions, overwhelmingly apparent so there could be no denying the One unleashing them). Although, I still can’t know as I’m known, my journey continues to teach me. Through relationship unions, and separations, births, and deaths, sickness, and heartache, … I’m learning. One beautiful and grand lesson learned, albeit too complicated to fully comprehend, came at a time when many of these occurrences had simultaneously accumulated and came rushing into my life. In unison, like waves pouring over me, so frequent and daunting they seemed, they crashed me into behavior I can only describe as an outward farce masking over inward depravity. —I functioned for years in that state. Finally coming to myself, I humbly surrendered my stubborn pride. Attempting to survive in that manner had only granted me a death sentence leaving me with a disease-ridden body. It proceeded to rob me of house and home (quite literally). It fortunately brought me to a place of forgiving and being forgiven.
I say this was a beautiful experience because what I learned through those years, of struggling to maintain such a ruse, had actually developed within me the reasoning and faith that brought me to a humble reliance upon Christ. I would now use this blind faith to work out my salvation with awesome reverence and power! The battles had created within me a priceless perspective which can never be removed. Most importantly, they confirmed and solidified an understanding of how much of our fight is one of faith, and therefore a fight that must be fought in the spirit world. This spiritual truth far outweighs any physical reality. For the physical is temporary, but the spirit is eternal.

The ultimate Revelation about how powerfully the Spirit of God does indeed quicken our mortal body filled my knowledge; and with each infilling –in every moment yielded to Him, be it in prayer or praise, with meditation or worship, every sacrifice of time given to God as an offering– where His Holy Spirit is released to interact with my flesh– there comes wisdom. Wisdom which at times manifests healing. In those moments relinquished to Jesus, His voice can be heard. In doing so, we are ever being changed by His instructions; for they speak of forgivenesses and peace-making. He recalls for one the areas that must be reconciled in order for stresses to be released. There must be confessions and apologies, trust and faith, and then more forgiveness. In this way the Holy Spirit flows freely and we abide continually in Christ’s quickening where divine healing flows.


My healing came; again and again it comes. I’ve been made whole and I am kept whole, changed from glory to glory by my communion with my Father. What I have learned on this journey is more valuable than any material gains on this earth; more valuable than any amount of finances or possessions that can be heaped up. What I’ve learned has brought me a treasured and authentic constant contentment that fills me as long as He fills me. It is a supernatural contentment. And Our walk together has become profoundly intimate; so much so that He has begun to show me myself beyond this life…

One can have their purpose opened up to them; a purpose that has it’s beginning here, but most definitely will play out into eternity. And so, I wait patiently (like a laborer waiting for his wages, always watching for the result of God in my circumstances) knowing that His daily purposes come -like waves rolling onto shore, they come, without fail, they come…


Do you need your strength renewed today? The scripture tells us that when we hope in the Lord, that’s exactly what will happen—our strength will be renewed. If you’ve grown weary and tired, overwhelmed by the cares of this world, it’s a clear sign that you need to change what you’re putting your hope in. Are you putting your hope in your job? The government? The economy? Another person? Those are all things that will change. But when you hope in the Lord, you are investing in the Rock of Ages! He never changes! He is the only solid foundation for your soul.

Today, find strength by simply putting your hope in Him. Start by declaring out loud, “God, I place my hope in You. I trust that You are working behind the scenes in my life. I choose to rest in You.” Then, feed your hope and faith by meditating daily on the scriptures. As you renew your mind with the Word of God, you’ll find strength, you’ll find hope, and you’ll find His victory all the days of your life!

My Rock of Ages – JESUS ~.~

Let Us… ♥

  • Let Us have a heart that has been prepared when entering into our prayer closet; “It is better to have a sincere heart lain before Him with no words, then to come with words when there is no heart.” -John Bunyan img_3866

Remember that it is God who does the drawing. We are sensitive to His call. We constantly listen for His promptings. We wait for the Lord and He gives us our prayers… Let Us be sure that our focus is for Him, and not a thing. Let Us position ourselves under the Blood of the Lamb at the Mercy Seat. Let Us condition our heart with humility and expectation; the humble condition of our heart is imperative.

It will be through His merciful Spirit that we are heard.

We are God’s Temple; we are His house. And, it is that He has said, “My house will be called a house of prayer.” He has asked us through Isaiah, “where is the house that you built me; where is the place of my rest?” Let Us abide in Christ so that He is welcome to dwell with us. He will surely hear us then, and will be well pleased.

We have an example of His Temple [which we are]… –of the Outer Court, where prayer begins…though we must journey into the Inner Court, and ultimately, the Holy of Holies. As the deer pants for the water, Let Us search and come boldly with mouths hungry for His Word. Let Us prepare the soul, with all of its hungers and desires, to be subject to our spirit, for our spirit must commune with God’s. —Now we see the Inner Holy Place –Now our body & soul is surrendered & our spirit alone may enter… The Holy of Holies opens up and deep calls unto deep –communion begins. This is where strength is given. This is where we are renewed. – We must get there! We must wholly enter in! Let Us…— ♥ ~.~


The earth was formless and empty…and God said, ‘Let there be light’ Genesis 1:2-3, NIV.

Are you believing God for something today that seems impossible? We serve a great and mighty God, and He can create something out of nothing! He can make a way where there seems to be no way! He can create whatever is needed in your life.

Genesis tells us that in the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. But before He spoke the world into existence, it was formless and empty. If God can make the world out of nothing, He can take the empty places in your life and create something beautiful, too! He can speak light into your darkest hour. He can take your formless dreams and give them shape. He can resurrect your dormant gifts and talents! He can make your crooked places straight!

Remember, you are created in the image of Almighty God. There’s power in your words and power when you’re in agreement with Him. Only say what God says about your situation. Speak life to your broken dreams today. Stay in an attitude of faith and expectancy, and as you do, God will take you places that you’ve never dreamed. He’ll make something beautiful out of every broken place in your life!

SPEAK, God is listening – SPEAK, the Angels are hearkening – SPEAK, all of creation awaits…


“For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).

God’s love goes way beyond any human love you have ever experienced! People may come and go from your life, but God is always with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Human love may be conditional, but God’s love is supernatural; it’s unconditional, and it knows no limits. There’s nothing you can do to earn His love and nothing you can do to stop His love.

The scripture tells us that His love is patient and kind, His love believes the best in you. His love redeems and restores you. No matter what you’ve been told or what you may think about yourself today, you are His most prized possession. There’s nothing that can separate you from His love! Remember, faith is activated by love. As you allow Him to flood you with His love, your faith will be ignited, and you’ll be empowered to live the abundant life He has for you!

In the morning, we should wake up and say, “Father, thank You for another beautiful day. I commit this day, my plans and my future into Your hands.” When you start the day like this, you are acknowledging God. He promises to crown your day with success. When you are driving on the freeway say, “Father, thank You for keeping me safe.” At the office say, “Lord, help me to be focused and productive today.” At home, “Father, bless my children.” Before you go to bed, “Lord, thank You for a good night’s rest.” When you’re acknowledging Him in all your ways, He promises to direct your paths. He promises to lead and guide you into paths of peace, joy and everlasting life!

“All the promises in Christ are yes and Amen.”

Believe for your Breakthrough ♥

In positioning ourselves to receive a breakthrough from the Lord, we must not be double-minded. Do not listen to the voice of the enemy that seeks to plant lies that will distract and detour one from receiving. Be ever-mindful of your thoughts and words, let them only come from the throne room of Heaven and pass through your spirit. God watches over His Word to perform it; know His Word and speak it! Out of your heart, your mouth will speak. Therefore be filled with His Word that it may pour out of you…

A silent prayer is subject to distracting thoughts, so we must speak OUT LOUD that it would activate Faith; that it would rule over doubt. Be consistent, be focused, be patient, be single-minded, determined to walk through to the other side with God.

Every breakthrough is a direct result of seeds planted given in Faith and the belief that there is a return for our faithfulness in Christ. Be sure to give a significant seed, the kind that cost you… seeds of love, trust, hope, kindness, gentleness, compassion, understanding, and charity…

Once we truly have done this we can rest in the assurance that God’s Word will not return void. Study it, meditate on it until it becomes alive in you. Do not neglect it. Now this produces genuine and powerful Faith —Now, our foundation is solidly set on Jesus— He is the author and finisher of our Faith and we will not be denied. ~.~



The Bible tells us that when you pray, have faith, and you will receive it. Faith moves mountains. Faith pleases God. Faith is what opens doors. What is faith? It’s believing in God and His goodness. It’s knowing that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Faith is believing that the promises of God are true. It’s obeying His Word. It’s what causes you to act.

Where does faith come from? Scripture tells us that everyone is given a measure of faith; that faith grows by hearing the Word of God. Simply put, the more you hear the Word of God, the more real it becomes in your life and the easier it is to believe His promises.

It doesn’t matter how much faith you have today, begin growing your faith by choosing to obey God’s Word. As you hear and obey the Word, your faith will strengthen, and you will receive what you’ve been believing for in Jesus’ name!


God promises that there are set times in our future, but He doesn’t tell us when they will be. Your set time may be tomorrow morning at 9:47. You’ll get the phone call you’ve been waiting for. Your set time may be two years from now. You’ll get a good break and that will thrust you to a new level. My question is, “Do you trust God enough to believe that your set times are coming?” Are you willing to wait with a good attitude? Are you willing to get a new perspective?

Remember, that set time is already in your future. Don’t let the negative thoughts talk you out of it. The way you know that you’re really believing is that you have rest on the inside. You’re at peace. You know the answer is on the way. You trust that God is working things out.

Today put your faith and trust in Him and enter into rest. Know that He is good and He is for you! Your set time of favor is on the way!

Believing for His set Time in my Life …

Fight the good Fight of Faith… Labor to enter into His rest…

My greatest experiences of Faith have manifested in moments where no other solution was within reach; when desperate and unforeseen circumstances force one into situations that can no longer be controlled or manipulated; life is happening to you, and you have become a mere spectator unable to participate. This is when you will hear a still small voice rise up from your center and speak in order to show you the way. With it, comes a compulsion. Pay attention. This is when you learn to trust that compelling call because there is no better choice.

….later in life, as I would find myself feeling lost, not necessarily at a point of desperation yet, but with a sense of darkness and silence as to which way to turn that was sure to send me there… It was in these moments that I would recall those past times in my walk of Faith; those experiences of blind steps taken on Faith by a prompting. My reflection and meditation caused me to recall that still small voice that had rescued me. I now listen quite intently for that same leading of a still small voice within; I wait for that same compulsion…

At those times, with each one, the certainty that my Faith in an unfailing God would not disappoint me strengthened. The Lord began to show the evidence of His real and present provision with every step of Faith I took; for it has always been a Faith set upon a Rock, based on the foundation of Jesus Christ my Lord that He himself taught when I was in desperate need. So that now, I rest.

I no longer stay in those places of darkness and silence. By the Grace of God and with His Spirit, I have fought through to the other side. I continue to fight the good fight. It is a life long journey. And, with every twist and turn of desperation that tries to attach itself, my Faith only grows stronger. Until now… now my labor has caused me to enter into the Throne Room of Grace, where I Worship & Rest in Him. ♥


The Qualities of God’s Glamour Girl
By Jacqueline J. Overpeck

Who is God’s glamour girl and what are her admirable qualities?

According to Scripture, she is:

G – Gorgeous inside and out
She fears the Lord knowing He is the source of all good things.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

Proverbs 31:30

L – Laughter
She’s isn’t afraid to laugh out loud and she looks for ways to encourage others.

…the joy of the LORD is your strength.
Nehemiah 8:10

A – All about adoration
She’s got a heart for applauding her King. She loves to praise and worship her God.

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
Psalm 100:1-2

M – Mercy
Her heart is full of compassion and her hands are ready to serve.

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Colossians 3:12-14

O – Original
She’s uniquely herself. She places her whole life in God’s hands—knowing as His creation she already shines like a star.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…
Psalm 139:13-14

U – Understanding
She has a ravenous appetite for wisdom and she loves to read the Bible. She’s thirsty for truth and delights in understanding the mysteries of God.

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

Proverbs 24:3-4

R – Righteousness
She keeps herself pure. She desires to be an untarnished vessel for God’s anointing to flow through. Nothing is more important to God’s Glamour Girl than establishing heaven’s kingdom on earth.

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
My mouth will tell of your righteousness, of your salvation all day long.

Psalm 71:14-15

God’s glamour girl is gorgeous inside and out. She’s filled with laughter.
She has a song in her heart. Mercy springs from her spirit. She’s totally original. Her Bible is handy. She uses her unique gifts and talents to share the saving message of Jesus with the world.


realist&idealist: “When I get honest, I admit I am a bundle of paradoxes. I believe and…


“When I get honest, I admit I am a bundle of paradoxes. I believe and I doubt, I hope and get discouraged, I love and I hate, I feel bad about feeling good, I feel guilty about not feeling guilty. I am trusting and suspicious. I am honest and I still play games. To live by grace means to…

This is me, a living, breathing paradox. ~.~

realist&idealist: “When I get honest, I admit I am a bundle of paradoxes. I believe and…

His Love ♥

How do I? How can I? I need to know…

All of my life, I’ve searched for You, Lord. My heart’s desire has been to know You. My constant striving to please You, always hoping that my ‘doing’ might cause You to take notice. I supposed that You might move on my behalf; that you would possibly extend your hand of favor… –and favor has come, blessings and favor and constant provision. But, now I see that it was not because of my efforts, but because of Your Love. It has never come because of my selfish endeavors. But, when circumstance and struggle brought me to complete surrender, my selfishness ended and Your Mercy overflowed…
 It was not for Your sake that spiritual laws have been set. I’ve finally learned that it was for my own sake that there was a longing placed inside of me to know You — and my eyes were set upon a book — a book that is summed up in one word — Love. You are Love. It is only inside of complete and unconditional Love that we find our answers. And, the benefit of our search is not for You, but for each of us. In and through Love, we find pure Praise and true Worship flows. It is only out of the purest Praise and Worship that we begin to see Truth.

Forever mankind has grappled with the question, “Why?” Now I see that all of life’s answers can be found, not in the question “why?” but, in the search for “how?” 
How can I see You? 
How can I find You? 
How do I seek You?
How can I know You?

In this question, eternity begins to open up to us, and it becomes more real than anything in this temporary life… —-and our answers are hidden inside of our Worship. They come through our complete surrender. This is where our carnal mind quiets in the background and our natural state begins to transform; our perceptions begin to change and our spirit rises up to overtake and outperform the flesh—- Only then does the door into Your realm crack open. And, it pours out such a flood so magnificent we cannot help but to be overtaken by Your Love, Peace, Joy, Laughter, Praise, Healing, Wisdom, and Glory!!! …and it is intoxicating … and I am addicted. I am overwhelmed and undone by Your electrifying touch, Your pure Presence. I am run through by Your profound Peace, and now I see You. I have found You in my Worship. I have learned how to seek and know You, and I hear Your voice in the song.
