Tag Archives: Enter In

Fight the good Fight of Faith… Labor to enter into His rest…

My greatest experiences of Faith have manifested in moments where no other solution was within reach; when desperate and unforeseen circumstances force one into situations that can no longer be controlled or manipulated; life is happening to you, and you have become a mere spectator unable to participate. This is when you will hear a still small voice rise up from your center and speak in order to show you the way. With it, comes a compulsion. Pay attention. This is when you learn to trust that compelling call because there is no better choice.

….later in life, as I would find myself feeling lost, not necessarily at a point of desperation yet, but with a sense of darkness and silence as to which way to turn that was sure to send me there… It was in these moments that I would recall those past times in my walk of Faith; those experiences of blind steps taken on Faith by a prompting. My reflection and meditation caused me to recall that still small voice that had rescued me. I now listen quite intently for that same leading of a still small voice within; I wait for that same compulsion…

At those times, with each one, the certainty that my Faith in an unfailing God would not disappoint me strengthened. The Lord began to show the evidence of His real and present provision with every step of Faith I took; for it has always been a Faith set upon a Rock, based on the foundation of Jesus Christ my Lord that He himself taught when I was in desperate need. So that now, I rest.

I no longer stay in those places of darkness and silence. By the Grace of God and with His Spirit, I have fought through to the other side. I continue to fight the good fight. It is a life long journey. And, with every twist and turn of desperation that tries to attach itself, my Faith only grows stronger. Until now… now my labor has caused me to enter into the Throne Room of Grace, where I Worship & Rest in Him. ♥